Personal income tax returns
We walk you through the various US tax returns you need to complete, whether you’re a US citizen, US resident, or non-resident.
Our services include:
- Forms 1040, 1040NR, FBAR, 3520-3520A, 8621, 5471, 8938, 8833, 8840, etc.
- Tax returns from US states such as New York, California, Illinois, etc.
- Various tax forms such as W7, W8, W9, 1042-S, etc.

Corporate income tax returns
If you are doing business in the United States, our US tax experts make sure you take advantage of all the US tax benefits you are entitled to.
Our services include:
- Tax returns 1120, 1120F, W8-BEN-E, 5472, 1065, K1, etc.

Tax consultation
Renunciation of American citizenship
Holding a U.S. citizenship has benefits, but also comes with heavy responsibilities. We are well equipped to help you determine if you should renounce your US citizenship. We will be able to identify all potential impacts so that you can make an informed decision.
Real estate tax expertise (rental income, sale/purchase)
Are you Canadian and own a cottage in Florida? Are you American and selling a home in Canada? We can help you plan your real estate transactions optimally and ensure tax compliance. We accompany you so that you have peace of mind!
Expatriation of Canadians to the United States or expatriation of Americans to Canada
Are you leaving Canada for the USA? Are you moving to Canada from the USA? It is imperative to inform yourself well in advance because the laws are numerous and complex. We can help you plan everything for a hassle-free expatriation!
Voluntary disclosure (streamlined procedure)
Forgot to report income from the United States, or your income was incorrectly declared? Stop worrying! We help you resolve the situation with few consequences.
Our services include:
- The regularization of omissions of declarations (without penalties)