The team

Nicolas Nadeau

Canadian and American tax advisor, LL. B, LL.M.

He completed a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Sherbrooke and a Master of Laws in U.S. taxation from Washington University School of Law. Nicolas developed expertise in American and international taxation while working within one of the largest accounting firms in Quebec. Nicolas has a great interest and curiosity in taxation. Moreover, he is currently completing a Master of Laws in Canadian tax law (York University – Osgoode Hall Law School). Recognized for his sense of teamwork, his analytical mind, and his desire to satisfy customers, Nicolas is an asset to the team.

Nicolas, in a few words

When you were a child, you wanted to become…
Soccer player or family doctor

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing that you do:
I look at my cell phone

If you could have superpower for a day, what would it be?
Teleport myself

The person you admire the most:
Cristiano Ronaldo

What’s the last thing that made you smile?
My little Pomeranian